Click, Click, Like, Click.. it is so simple to join and support a cause. It feels like we have contributed to something important and helped to make a change and fight for whats right. But by doing this has it resulted in any significant change in society? A word that comes to mind is 'slacktivist' which is a new word to my vocabulary but basically it is somebody who clicks, likes or re-tweets an issue to make them feel like they are actively involved in making a change and fighting for a cause (Davis, 2011).
This relates to digital activism which is a revolution of campaigning. Activism refers to the collective struggle for political and social change by using methods outside of routine processes (Joyce, 2013). The main elements and appeal of digital activism is that people have the ability to do things online that they would not normally do in person. Especially in countries or repressive societies where it is dangerous for them to take action in real life. They are able to support a cause online and they have a sense of evasion and anonymity.

Although people can feel a sense of involvement by actively participating in online forums and campaigns, the future of digital activism will be a combination of online tools and offline tools (Joyce, 2013)
A few examples of digital activism includes Kony 2012 and the Egyptian riots in Arab Springs. Also if you get a chance, click here to view some more examples that are quite interesting.
Signing out for now, See you next week! KM
Davis, J (2011) Cause Marketing: Moving Beyond Corporate Slacktivism, viewed 17th December 2013
Joyce, M (2013) The future isn't digital its hybrid, viewed 17th December 2013
Joyce, M (2011) Complex and Contradictory: A New Way to Think of Digital Activism, viewed 18th December 2013
Piekut, K (2013) Examples of Digital activism using art and digital to fight a cause,, viewed 18th December 2013